Saturday, April 9, 2011

Percussive breathing to the rescue!

Ron Fletcher® developed the wonderful percussive breathing. It involves fully expanding your rib cage by inhaling through the nose and fully exhaling by engaging the abdominals to squeese the air out through a constricted mouth.  The real fun comes when you divide the inhale into two or more segments and divide the exhale as well.  A double breath would be inhale, inhale, then exhale, exhale. Try it with four inhales and exhales - move to six and eight.  See if you can do 12!  You will find yourself taking a much fuller inhale at the end of the exercise.  And it is movement!  The percussive breath adds rhythm to the work.  

It came in very handy today as I was hiking in the Purissima Creek Redwood Open Space. The hill was pretty steep.  I started in with the double breath - one step for each inhale and exhale.  The extra oxygen served me well in marching up the mountain and the rhythm kept me going at a steady pace. I really felt much more energetic and charged up than I did when I was just walking and breathing normally (heavy).

When do you need extra engery?  Try it.   Here is part of the beautiful hike.

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