Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pilates Priniciples: Concentration

Pilates is all about the brain controlling movement. Concentration involves mental focus to apply all pilates principles in the midst of movement. Mental focus on the movement, the breath, the energy and more. It requires being very present with the movement.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pilates Principles: Balance

Pilates Principle: Balance.  Equal development of all muscles, balance between front and back of body, the two sides of the body, the upper and lower hemispheres, not to mention standing on one foot.  Try standing on one foot for 30 seconds. Then try it with your eyes closed. Report back on how you did.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Pilates Principles: Breath

Breath is movement and the rib cage has many muscles that need to be worked just like all the rest. Our body has over 70 trillion cells that all need to be nourished with oxygen. Breathing is an integral part of pilates - it creates rhythm for the movement, improves our posture, inspires our movement and keeps us alive!  Joe always said "You got to OUT de air to IN de air"!  So, inhale........exhale....... and repeat.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ron Fletcher's 40th anniversary of opening studio in LA

Forty years ago today, Ron Fletcher opened his studio in LA.  It was called The Ron Fletcher Studio of Body Contrology. He has been going strong ever since!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pilates Principles: Awareness

AWARENESS  Knowing where your body is in space. Being present and conscious. How is your body moving through space? What muscles have to recruit? It is a physical and mental challenge. Take some time today to be aware of your awareness!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Genius of the Body

Great video of Joseph Pilates and Romana. Romana recalls George Balanchine calling Joseph Pilates the genius of the body ."

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ron Fletcher Floorwork®

I just completed a course that licenses me to teach Ron Fletcher Floorwork. Ron studied with both Joe Pilates and Martha Graham and combined some of their techniques to create this unique floorwork. Working with no props or mat on a hard wood floor, these movements really move the spine in all the ways it can and they open up the hips. Are you ready to increase your flexibility, strength and endurance?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Fletcher® Towel Work

Ron Fletcher's Towel work is fabulous. There is nothing like to create strength in the torso and a perfectly aligned shoulder girdle.  Easy to throw in a suitcase to work out while you travel too!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pilates and Golf #1

One reason pilates is so good for your golf swing is that it helps create balance, both at address and throughout your entire swing.  We work all muscles equally which creates balance and we practice balance in a wide range of movements. Try 10 sessions and see what a difference you feel.